Pi Theta Epsilon – Gamma Rho Chapter
Pi Theta Epsilon (PTE) is a specialized honor society for occupational therapy students and alumni. The society recognizes and encourages superior scholarship among students enrolled in professional entry-level programs at accredited educational programs across the United States.
The objective of the society, as outlined by the founders of PTE, was to contribute to the advancement of occupational therapy through special projects of its members; to provide a basis for relationship among accredited programs of occupational therapy; and to work in cooperation with the aims and ideals of other student occupational therapy organizations. At present, the mission of Pi Theta Epsilon is to promote research and scholarship among occupational therapy students.
Pi Theta Epsilon supports the development of occupational science and the practice of authentic occupational therapy by promoting research and other scholarly activities of its members. In this way, the organization serves not only the profession but also helps to insure quality health care services for the general public.
Judith Schrepfer